Thursday September 21st, 2023
9:22am – 10:18am
In Attendance: Eva Martens, Brenda Eszenyi, Terry Rhodes,
Additional: Jim Foreman, Darryl Howe, Kathy Archer, Heather Lambert-Hillen and Alexa Chavez
Regrets: Joanne Emberson, Subbu Subramonian, and Sarah Matacic
Absent: Esther Pauls
A. Welcome & Introductory Remarks: Chair E. Martens
B. Review & Approval of the Agenda: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Terry Rhodes
C. Review & Approval of July 2023 Minutes: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Terry Rhodes
D. Board Business:
Received Sarah Matacic’s resignation as Secretary:
Sarah will be staying on the board as a director but has to step away from the duties as secretary, if anyone is interested, please let the chair know.
Review of 2023 Budget & actuals as of August 31st:
We are on track with our admin and salary budget, our marketing budget is currently under with some invoices to still come in putting us on track with the $25,000 budget. Our Sidewalk Sounds budget came in under this year by $2,000 and our Streetfest came within the budget set with the grants and revenues applied. Onto the beautification budget, we will see an increase in the cost this year compared to what was budgeted for the summer and winter planters, this is encouraging us to look into other options to cut down on the costs. In total we are at $121,418 of expenses so far of the $149,450 budget for this year.
Complaint Policy:
Just an update to let the members know that we are working on the policy with the Integrity Commissioner, it is in the draft phase at the moment. The need for a complaint policy was brought up by the complaint made about Streetfest.
Streetfest Complaint Update:
We consulted with the integrity commission and had a meeting to address the complaint made. In a letter addressed to Darryl Howe, the meeting determined that there was no basis for the statement of favouritism towards vendor placement but there were noted improvements to be made for next year. Increased communication regarding the traffic barriers for the street closure to affected businesses, making sure that any food vendors serving identical foods are not placed directly across from businesses on the street, and that there is an events committee engaged in the planning of the streetfest event bringing the plans to the board for approval.
Hamilton Parking Revenue Sharing changes to review:
We reviewed the presentation by Hamilton Municipal Parking System that went through the current revenue sharing program and presented two potential options to change the program. The board is in agreement that the third option would be the most beneficial and would prefer that change over the other option.
Discuss “That’s so Cinema” Sponsorship with Hub of the Hammer:
We noted and addressed some concerns with Matt made regarding the Zoetic and groups that were renting the space being intimidating to passersby. It is to be clarified that the Hub of the Hammer is a separate entity from the Zoetic and our agreement is with them not the Zoetic. The concern was that the BIA was being connected to the screenings through the Zoetic and it is to be clear that is not the case. The BIA is not reflective of any hate groups that had rented the space at the Zoetic.
October AGM Confirmation:
We are confirming this year’s AGM is on Thursday October 19th at 6pm.
E. Beautification Committee: E. Martens
Winter Planters:
Presented the visuals for this year’s planters, we are hoping for approximately 12 wooden snow globes being made by local artists to be placed on top of the planter boxes. The rest of the boxes will be occupied with small evergreen trees that we will be inviting the community and businesses to decorate as they like to create a sense of ownership while bringing the community together and hopefully deter any vandalism or theft through the season.
Summer Planters:
The amount that is being spent on the summer flowers and maintenance has increased by a lot over the years and we want to look into other options that would help lower those costs over time. We are hoping to switch over to native perennials for next summer that are able to help bring in the bees and butterflies providing host materials like nectar and plantings that they can live in and feed on. We want to change over to a more sustainable type of planting, which could reduce the cost by approximately $3,000. This would be done in stages as the plants will not be producing the bright and colourful flowers that the community enjoys right away, we could do half next year and half the following year with the idea that in three years we wouldn’t have to spend that much money at all aside from additions or replacing dead flowers.
F. Marketing Report: A. Chavez
Mountain News/Community News Update & Idea:
Unfortunately, all community news papers under the Metroland Media Group including Mountain News will be moved to their online format only and the physical papers will cease production by the end of this year. Many of the journalists have been let go so there is the increased possibility that our community will not be reported on as often anymore.
Committee Meeting:
We need to find a time with those who are interested to have a meeting to discuss future marketing initiatives, hopefully can be scheduled by the end of the month. Anyone interested in joining the marketing committee please reach out and let Alexa know VIA email.
G. Events Committee: A. Chavez
Fall Fest Planning:
We are looking at the last two weekends of October with a pumpkin carving contest, a costume parade, and trick or treating in the businesses.
Theme for Streetfest 2024 & ideas for improvements/programming:
The theme is sustainability and green initiatives, keeping things more eco friendly. We want to add more activities geared towards children and families, there are a few companies and groups that we are interested in working with to make this happen. We are increasing the vendors to be placed throughout the street, focusing on local Hamilton businesses and makers. We are going to be shifting the timeframe of the event to start later and end later into the evening, the road is closed until 10pm and it took us roughly two hours for clean up this year so we should be able to still work with that timing and have the event go into the evening a little bit with out causing any clean up delays.
New activations ideas for next year:
We are looking at starting a farmers’ market for the summer to bring back that community hub as the previous market organizer had to step away from his efforts this year and it was a very missed event on the street. We are looking at increasing the amount of sidewalk sales and introducing winter markets to bring in more traffic during the slow seasons. We would also like to expand the easter event to have a bunny or egg hunt in the businesses on the street and partner with them to do this and to bring more people in to their shops. We are opening up Sidewalk Sounds to vendors again since that was how the event originally ran prior to the pandemic as well as welcoming the businesses to set up on the sidewalk as well. We will also be changing the timeframe of Sidewalk Sounds back to the evenings, this is based on feedback we got from a lot of businesses and the community as well as the performers that had been booked in the past and this year. We want to increase our partnerships with the businesses on the street to make sure these events work and run, and to make them happen.
Next meeting date:
September 28th at 12:30pm at the BIA office, if you are interested in joining the committee, please let Alexa know VIA email.
H. Executive Director Updates: A. Chavez
Action Plan:
What was reported by the Beautification Committee about the planters for the summer and winter is our focus currently of an action plan item.
9:22am – 10:18am
In Attendance: Eva Martens, Brenda Eszenyi, Terry Rhodes,
Additional: Jim Foreman, Darryl Howe, Kathy Archer, Heather Lambert-Hillen and Alexa Chavez
Regrets: Joanne Emberson, Subbu Subramonian, and Sarah Matacic
Absent: Esther Pauls
A. Welcome & Introductory Remarks: Chair E. Martens
B. Review & Approval of the Agenda: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Terry Rhodes
C. Review & Approval of July 2023 Minutes: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Terry Rhodes
D. Board Business:
Received Sarah Matacic’s resignation as Secretary:
Sarah will be staying on the board as a director but has to step away from the duties as secretary, if anyone is interested, please let the chair know.
Review of 2023 Budget & actuals as of August 31st:
We are on track with our admin and salary budget, our marketing budget is currently under with some invoices to still come in putting us on track with the $25,000 budget. Our Sidewalk Sounds budget came in under this year by $2,000 and our Streetfest came within the budget set with the grants and revenues applied. Onto the beautification budget, we will see an increase in the cost this year compared to what was budgeted for the summer and winter planters, this is encouraging us to look into other options to cut down on the costs. In total we are at $121,418 of expenses so far of the $149,450 budget for this year.
Complaint Policy:
Just an update to let the members know that we are working on the policy with the Integrity Commissioner, it is in the draft phase at the moment. The need for a complaint policy was brought up by the complaint made about Streetfest.
Streetfest Complaint Update:
We consulted with the integrity commission and had a meeting to address the complaint made. In a letter addressed to Darryl Howe, the meeting determined that there was no basis for the statement of favouritism towards vendor placement but there were noted improvements to be made for next year. Increased communication regarding the traffic barriers for the street closure to affected businesses, making sure that any food vendors serving identical foods are not placed directly across from businesses on the street, and that there is an events committee engaged in the planning of the streetfest event bringing the plans to the board for approval.
Hamilton Parking Revenue Sharing changes to review:
We reviewed the presentation by Hamilton Municipal Parking System that went through the current revenue sharing program and presented two potential options to change the program. The board is in agreement that the third option would be the most beneficial and would prefer that change over the other option.
Discuss “That’s so Cinema” Sponsorship with Hub of the Hammer:
We noted and addressed some concerns with Matt made regarding the Zoetic and groups that were renting the space being intimidating to passersby. It is to be clarified that the Hub of the Hammer is a separate entity from the Zoetic and our agreement is with them not the Zoetic. The concern was that the BIA was being connected to the screenings through the Zoetic and it is to be clear that is not the case. The BIA is not reflective of any hate groups that had rented the space at the Zoetic.
October AGM Confirmation:
We are confirming this year’s AGM is on Thursday October 19th at 6pm.
E. Beautification Committee: E. Martens
Winter Planters:
Presented the visuals for this year’s planters, we are hoping for approximately 12 wooden snow globes being made by local artists to be placed on top of the planter boxes. The rest of the boxes will be occupied with small evergreen trees that we will be inviting the community and businesses to decorate as they like to create a sense of ownership while bringing the community together and hopefully deter any vandalism or theft through the season.
Summer Planters:
The amount that is being spent on the summer flowers and maintenance has increased by a lot over the years and we want to look into other options that would help lower those costs over time. We are hoping to switch over to native perennials for next summer that are able to help bring in the bees and butterflies providing host materials like nectar and plantings that they can live in and feed on. We want to change over to a more sustainable type of planting, which could reduce the cost by approximately $3,000. This would be done in stages as the plants will not be producing the bright and colourful flowers that the community enjoys right away, we could do half next year and half the following year with the idea that in three years we wouldn’t have to spend that much money at all aside from additions or replacing dead flowers.
F. Marketing Report: A. Chavez
Mountain News/Community News Update & Idea:
Unfortunately, all community news papers under the Metroland Media Group including Mountain News will be moved to their online format only and the physical papers will cease production by the end of this year. Many of the journalists have been let go so there is the increased possibility that our community will not be reported on as often anymore.
Committee Meeting:
We need to find a time with those who are interested to have a meeting to discuss future marketing initiatives, hopefully can be scheduled by the end of the month. Anyone interested in joining the marketing committee please reach out and let Alexa know VIA email.
G. Events Committee: A. Chavez
Fall Fest Planning:
We are looking at the last two weekends of October with a pumpkin carving contest, a costume parade, and trick or treating in the businesses.
Theme for Streetfest 2024 & ideas for improvements/programming:
The theme is sustainability and green initiatives, keeping things more eco friendly. We want to add more activities geared towards children and families, there are a few companies and groups that we are interested in working with to make this happen. We are increasing the vendors to be placed throughout the street, focusing on local Hamilton businesses and makers. We are going to be shifting the timeframe of the event to start later and end later into the evening, the road is closed until 10pm and it took us roughly two hours for clean up this year so we should be able to still work with that timing and have the event go into the evening a little bit with out causing any clean up delays.
New activations ideas for next year:
We are looking at starting a farmers’ market for the summer to bring back that community hub as the previous market organizer had to step away from his efforts this year and it was a very missed event on the street. We are looking at increasing the amount of sidewalk sales and introducing winter markets to bring in more traffic during the slow seasons. We would also like to expand the easter event to have a bunny or egg hunt in the businesses on the street and partner with them to do this and to bring more people in to their shops. We are opening up Sidewalk Sounds to vendors again since that was how the event originally ran prior to the pandemic as well as welcoming the businesses to set up on the sidewalk as well. We will also be changing the timeframe of Sidewalk Sounds back to the evenings, this is based on feedback we got from a lot of businesses and the community as well as the performers that had been booked in the past and this year. We want to increase our partnerships with the businesses on the street to make sure these events work and run, and to make them happen.
Next meeting date:
September 28th at 12:30pm at the BIA office, if you are interested in joining the committee, please let Alexa know VIA email.
H. Executive Director Updates: A. Chavez
Action Plan:
What was reported by the Beautification Committee about the planters for the summer and winter is our focus currently of an action plan item.