Board Meeting Agenda
Thursday Nov 17th, 2022
9am – 10:30am
Zoom Meeting
Welcome & Introductory Remarks – Vice Chair, Jamie McHardy
MOTION: Receive resignation of Jamie Mchardy
Nomination and Election of new executive board members – A. Chavez
Scheduled for next months board meeting
-renewal of subcommittees
Those interested please reach out to Alexa at: [email protected]
Board Business:
Discussion about December Board meeting and BIA office holiday closures
Board decided to have a meeting in December. December 15th at 9am VIA Zoom.
BIA office will be closed from December 23rd to Jan 3rd for the holidays.
Treasurer Report – B. Eyre
BIA is on track for spending of the budget for the year in our four main categories: operations, marketing, events, and beautification.
Went over balance sheets for monthly financial statements and expenditures.
Safety Committee Report – J. Foreman
Went over safety audit, evening walk plan for this month.
With the colder weather coming back, we have started to see homeless people taking shelter in warm enclosed spaces, like the RBC atm area for example.
Concession BIA action plan
Briefly went over the action plan for new members.
ED will be doing a review of policies for the BIA and making any updates needed.
ED will be creating a google drive of documents for onboarding new directors to the board as well as reference for existing directors.
Marketing Report – A. Chavez
-Holiday Spend it here campaign
Starting on November 25th on Hamilton’s Economic Development social media pages.
-CHCH Morning Live Segment
Filming to happen on December 9th, to be aired the next morning on the 10th.
-New BIA brand
Quick overview of what we will receive with a rebrand of the BIA: Color scheme, new font, branding assets, social media headers, able to use for new street banners, gateways, and posters. Having a consistent and uniform brand will help to take the BIA to the next level.
Beautification Report – A. Chavez
-Winter flower boxes
Went in on Monday November 14th. Design is lovely and perfect for the whole winter season.
-Renewal of Street Clean Sweep
Confirming with beautiful allies that they are still working with the BIA on this.
Executive Director Updates – A. Chavez
-City of Hamilton Holiday Parking Program holiday 2022
Starting on November 24th until December 24th, ED will be putting stickers provided by the city on all the parking meters as well as posting the promotional materials on social media to get word out.
-Neighbour 2 Neighbour Tip Tap Program
Hoping to have their donation tap machines in the same locations on the street as last year. Heal & Candi Werx.
-Holiday Programming ideas
Brainstorming for winter event programs on the street.
Community Updates
Mountain Kidz Club, Dec 10 2022 starting at 5pm their Santa toy cruise along Concession Street beginning at Mountain Drive Park, their vehicles will be lighted.
Thursday Nov 17th, 2022
9am – 10:30am
Zoom Meeting
Welcome & Introductory Remarks – Vice Chair, Jamie McHardy
MOTION: Receive resignation of Jamie Mchardy
Nomination and Election of new executive board members – A. Chavez
Scheduled for next months board meeting
-renewal of subcommittees
Those interested please reach out to Alexa at: [email protected]
Board Business:
Discussion about December Board meeting and BIA office holiday closures
Board decided to have a meeting in December. December 15th at 9am VIA Zoom.
BIA office will be closed from December 23rd to Jan 3rd for the holidays.
Treasurer Report – B. Eyre
BIA is on track for spending of the budget for the year in our four main categories: operations, marketing, events, and beautification.
Went over balance sheets for monthly financial statements and expenditures.
Safety Committee Report – J. Foreman
Went over safety audit, evening walk plan for this month.
With the colder weather coming back, we have started to see homeless people taking shelter in warm enclosed spaces, like the RBC atm area for example.
Concession BIA action plan
Briefly went over the action plan for new members.
ED will be doing a review of policies for the BIA and making any updates needed.
ED will be creating a google drive of documents for onboarding new directors to the board as well as reference for existing directors.
Marketing Report – A. Chavez
-Holiday Spend it here campaign
Starting on November 25th on Hamilton’s Economic Development social media pages.
-CHCH Morning Live Segment
Filming to happen on December 9th, to be aired the next morning on the 10th.
-New BIA brand
Quick overview of what we will receive with a rebrand of the BIA: Color scheme, new font, branding assets, social media headers, able to use for new street banners, gateways, and posters. Having a consistent and uniform brand will help to take the BIA to the next level.
Beautification Report – A. Chavez
-Winter flower boxes
Went in on Monday November 14th. Design is lovely and perfect for the whole winter season.
-Renewal of Street Clean Sweep
Confirming with beautiful allies that they are still working with the BIA on this.
Executive Director Updates – A. Chavez
-City of Hamilton Holiday Parking Program holiday 2022
Starting on November 24th until December 24th, ED will be putting stickers provided by the city on all the parking meters as well as posting the promotional materials on social media to get word out.
-Neighbour 2 Neighbour Tip Tap Program
Hoping to have their donation tap machines in the same locations on the street as last year. Heal & Candi Werx.
-Holiday Programming ideas
Brainstorming for winter event programs on the street.
Community Updates
Mountain Kidz Club, Dec 10 2022 starting at 5pm their Santa toy cruise along Concession Street beginning at Mountain Drive Park, their vehicles will be lighted.