Thursday March 17th, 2022
9am to 10am
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: BIA
Welcome & Introductory Remarks – Chair, Eshe Despres
Review & Approval of the Agenda
Review & Approval of Feb 2022 Meeting Minutes
Board Business:
Previously approvied MOTIONS (reiteratred for minutes)
MOTION: Vote to invite the Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Center (Executive Director Lyndon George) as a guest speaker at a future meeting (to partner towards more proactive and responsible action plan to ensure diversity and safety in our community) Julie/Joanna
MOTION: Approval of Feb 2022 Agenda David/Sarah
MOTION: Approval of Jan 2022 Minutes Sarah/David
MOTION: Accept resignation of Diane Hines (Made You Look Optical) Jamie/Julie
MOTION: Appointment of interim Vice Chair: Joanna Milner Brandon/Julie
MOTION: Approval of $1250/month for Digital Marketing Campaign (to include throughout the calendar year Facebook Targeted ads, SEO Google Ad words and targeted Hamilton Community News banner ads to promote summer events) Jamie/Joanna
MOTION: immediately update Concession billboard with refreshed images Julie/David
MOTION: moving into summer months update billboard to promote summer events Sarah/Julie
MOTION: use our billboard for future signage to showcase banner concept designs not selected for 2022 – to send a positive message to the community about inclusion and diversity Julie/David
COMPLIANCE: Request by City of Hamilton to post future Board Meetings to stream LIVE from our website. Training to follow. All other aspects of transparency are already being fulfilled by our BIA (posting of agendas, minutes, dates for meetings, BIA budget, Board of Directors)
Guest Speaker: Main Street Ambassador for Concession: David Reed updates
Treasurer Report – Brandon Eyre
Beautification Committee - presented by Cristina Geissler
Marketing Committee - presented by Cristina Geissler
Events Committee - presented by Cristina Geissler
Safety Committee – Chair: Jim Foreman
Executive Director Updates – Cristina Geissler
BIA Members and Community
9am to 10am
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: BIA
Welcome & Introductory Remarks – Chair, Eshe Despres
Review & Approval of the Agenda
Review & Approval of Feb 2022 Meeting Minutes
Board Business:
Previously approvied MOTIONS (reiteratred for minutes)
MOTION: Vote to invite the Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Center (Executive Director Lyndon George) as a guest speaker at a future meeting (to partner towards more proactive and responsible action plan to ensure diversity and safety in our community) Julie/Joanna
MOTION: Approval of Feb 2022 Agenda David/Sarah
MOTION: Approval of Jan 2022 Minutes Sarah/David
MOTION: Accept resignation of Diane Hines (Made You Look Optical) Jamie/Julie
MOTION: Appointment of interim Vice Chair: Joanna Milner Brandon/Julie
MOTION: Approval of $1250/month for Digital Marketing Campaign (to include throughout the calendar year Facebook Targeted ads, SEO Google Ad words and targeted Hamilton Community News banner ads to promote summer events) Jamie/Joanna
MOTION: immediately update Concession billboard with refreshed images Julie/David
MOTION: moving into summer months update billboard to promote summer events Sarah/Julie
MOTION: use our billboard for future signage to showcase banner concept designs not selected for 2022 – to send a positive message to the community about inclusion and diversity Julie/David
COMPLIANCE: Request by City of Hamilton to post future Board Meetings to stream LIVE from our website. Training to follow. All other aspects of transparency are already being fulfilled by our BIA (posting of agendas, minutes, dates for meetings, BIA budget, Board of Directors)
Guest Speaker: Main Street Ambassador for Concession: David Reed updates
Treasurer Report – Brandon Eyre
Beautification Committee - presented by Cristina Geissler
- New banners have been ordered and estimated delivery/installation set for Spring 2022
- Request submitted to City to repair damaged sidewalk planters and benches along Concession (completed audit in early March 2022)
- Request finalized with City of Hamilton for summer flowers (hanging baskets and adjusted number of sidewalk planters (we lost 2 planters east of Upper Sherman with the installation of the Pedestrian Crosswalk at Pita Pit Plaza). These adjusted numbers have been confirmed with City so our billing is adjusted accordingly.
- Beautiful Alleys Spring Clean Up scheduled for Saturday April 23rd (9am to 1pm) - meeting in parking lot of 555 Concession
- NEW EMANCIPATION MURAL: The Journey Mural displayed at Winterfest is looking for a permanent home. We are currently in the process of getting finall approval from The Hamilton Library to install on the west wall of 565 Concession. MOTION: approve $5000 to acquire mural, and $2500 for its proper installation
Marketing Committee - presented by Cristina Geissler
- CHCH TV campaign updates - next wave of promotion
- Billboard sign has been updated
- Digitial Marketing campaign to launch in April 2022
Events Committee - presented by Cristina Geissler
- Book Crawl this Saturday March 19th (10am to 1pm) LIVE along Concession Street
- CNOY was on Saturday Feb 20, 2021 was a resounding success with CNOY and N2N reaching 110% of the fundraising goal
- Easter Bunny Hop & SHOP sidewalk sale set for Saturday April 16th, 2022 - encourage all businesses to set up outside tables to encourage community to come out and support our local businesses. Colouring Contest pages have been uploaded to our BIA website and promotion will start on social media in approximately 2 weeks.
- Sidewalk Sounds set to go LIVE and kick off on Saturday May 21st. Entertainment to be confirmed and announced in the coming weeks
- Streetfest set to go LIVE on Saturday June 11th, 2022. Full street closure, all businesses strongly encouraged to set up outside displays (as we will not be inviting outside vendors, this day will be all about you). Entertainment is in the process of being booked and line ups will be announced soon. One full stage will be set up, two other performance areas will be set up too. 3 food trucks have been confirmed (current BIA members only allowed to set up). All specifics are being updated to our website as we confirm.
Safety Committee – Chair: Jim Foreman
Executive Director Updates – Cristina Geissler
- Round table meeting with HPS, Councillor Pauls and Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre Executive Director Lyndon George happened on March 1, 2022. Good discussion and updates provided on status of investigation and discussed proactive measures we can consider for future safety and inclusivity of visitors to Concesison Street. Also asked Lyndon George to attend future Board meetings.
- Subsequent meeting held with Hamilton Library and Lyndon George.
- Proposed project to host presentation in front of Concession Branch library on Saturday March 19th (11am to 1pm) "United Against Racism" :Lyndon George, Councillor Pauls, BIA, Library and other community members will come together to call out racism. Intention is to inform community what to do if they expericne or see racism, stand united in message that there is no room for racism in our community, show unity, our community response to recent hateful acts.
- Patio program 2022: applications open, no fee again for 2022
- New businesses:
- The Parlour open at 581 Concession
- Revel Realty scheduled to open April 2022
- KalTire now open at 405 Concession
- Dollarama scheduled to open late Spring 2022
- Dog groomer coming to 426A Concession
- Updates on 483 Concession
BIA Members and Community