Board Meeting Agenda
Thursday June 16th, 2022
Conference Call:
Password: concession
Welcome & Introductory Remarks – Vice Chair, Jamie McHardy
MOTION: Receive resignation of Eshe Despres
Review & Approval of the Agenda
Review & Approval of May 2022 Meeting Minutes
Board Business:
Please review the BIA updates listed in the agenda below. Any questions can be directed to the Executive Director.
Concession BIA Action Plan: Facilitated by Patty Hayes
This meeting hour will focus on the development and finalizing of the proposed Action Plan for our. Concession BIA.
Safety Committee: Chair, Jim Foreman
No major issues to report
Summer audit date TBC
Treasurer Report: Brandon Eyre
Updated financials shared with the Board in separate email.
Next month will provide a better summary once all advertising, Streetfest (and Sidewalk Sounds to date expenses) have been processed and captured
Marketing Committee
CHCH Morning Live segment that aired Tuesday June 7th is now available for viewing on our Concession BIA website (video library)
CHCH also did a final plug for Streetfest from the Morning Live anchor desk on Friday June 10th
Digital Billboard at E22nd has been updated with BIA promotional images (Streetfest, Sidewalk Sounds, summer patios). More to be rotated throughout the rest of the year.
Digital Billboard at Limeridge Mall has been updated with BIA promotional images
CHML radio interview on Friday June 3rd (last minute request) to promote Concession small businesses and Streetfest
The Spec ran a great story on supporting small businesses and the recent growth on Concession Street (April 8, 2022)
The Mountain News ran a story on Streetfest -and is running a follow up story on the success of the event
Urbanicity Hamilton, Hometown Hub, Active, all ran stories on Streetfest
Pedestrian Kiosk posters have been updated.
Social media continues to promote BIA events and our small businesses
Beautification Committee
Summer flower contract in place: hanging and sidewalk summer flowers installed
Post Streetfest - street looks clean and fresh
Utility boxes were cleaned up just in time for Streetfest. Updates still pending on Utility Box wraps. BIA continues to follow up with the City.
Events Committee
Streetfest was a resounding success. Estimates of attendance throughout the day are at 30,000. Businesses saw unprecedented sales and traffic into their storefronts. Entertainment was diverse and exciting. Paid security did a good job to manage the safety of the event. The volunteers did an amazing job to ensure a safe, clean and well executed event. In the coming weeks and months, the BIA will be surveying the Concession businesses to ask what they liked, did not like and would like to see more/less of for Streetfest 2023 (Survey Monkey to come soon).
Sidewalk Sounds: continues this Saturday. Music starts at 10am. With room in the budget we added a 5th musical performance from 10-noon at the CIMT courtyard (574 Concession). This month: Latin Solstice Trio, Hachey the MouthPEACE, The Vaudevillian, Kojo Dampsey and Madam Sad. Series continues the 3rd Saturday of each =month until September. Business are encouraged to leverage the visitors and set up on the sidewalk in front of their shops - amplifying the curb appeal and overall draw to Concession.
BookCrawl also continuing the 3rd Saturday of every month. Local authors setting up a pre-approved locations along Concession Street.
Self guided Mural Tour is always available to visitors - available through our BIA website.
Black History Audio Tour is also always available to visitors - available through our BIA website.
New businesses:
Dollarama has encountered some construction delays but they still anticipate an opening this summer 2022.
The TownHall Social Eatery is also in full construction swing. Facade has been updated, sidewalk patio bypass has been installed - working towards a summer/fall 2022 opening.
Summer patios are out and look fantastic. Overflow BIA parking is available at 565 Concession (beside the HPL and spots are marked as Customer Parking - 2 hour limit).
No updates just yet on the former Papa Leos. Hope to have an official announcement soon.
Subway will be closing this summer at 447 Concession. Charlie's ChopSticks will be opening in the space. Opening date TBC.
BIA Members and Community
Fundraisers for CAP by BookCrawl and KalTire from Streetfest. BookCrawl collected approx. $250. KalTire collection TBC.
Continued programming at The Zoetic. Full event listing available on their website.
Alcatraz Escape Rooms is offering a promo: Play a 2nd game and get 20% off
Thursday June 16th, 2022
Conference Call:
Password: concession
Welcome & Introductory Remarks – Vice Chair, Jamie McHardy
MOTION: Receive resignation of Eshe Despres
Review & Approval of the Agenda
Review & Approval of May 2022 Meeting Minutes
Board Business:
Please review the BIA updates listed in the agenda below. Any questions can be directed to the Executive Director.
Concession BIA Action Plan: Facilitated by Patty Hayes
This meeting hour will focus on the development and finalizing of the proposed Action Plan for our. Concession BIA.
Safety Committee: Chair, Jim Foreman
No major issues to report
Summer audit date TBC
Treasurer Report: Brandon Eyre
Updated financials shared with the Board in separate email.
Next month will provide a better summary once all advertising, Streetfest (and Sidewalk Sounds to date expenses) have been processed and captured
Marketing Committee
CHCH Morning Live segment that aired Tuesday June 7th is now available for viewing on our Concession BIA website (video library)
CHCH also did a final plug for Streetfest from the Morning Live anchor desk on Friday June 10th
Digital Billboard at E22nd has been updated with BIA promotional images (Streetfest, Sidewalk Sounds, summer patios). More to be rotated throughout the rest of the year.
Digital Billboard at Limeridge Mall has been updated with BIA promotional images
CHML radio interview on Friday June 3rd (last minute request) to promote Concession small businesses and Streetfest
The Spec ran a great story on supporting small businesses and the recent growth on Concession Street (April 8, 2022)
The Mountain News ran a story on Streetfest -and is running a follow up story on the success of the event
Urbanicity Hamilton, Hometown Hub, Active, all ran stories on Streetfest
Pedestrian Kiosk posters have been updated.
Social media continues to promote BIA events and our small businesses
Beautification Committee
Summer flower contract in place: hanging and sidewalk summer flowers installed
Post Streetfest - street looks clean and fresh
Utility boxes were cleaned up just in time for Streetfest. Updates still pending on Utility Box wraps. BIA continues to follow up with the City.
Events Committee
Streetfest was a resounding success. Estimates of attendance throughout the day are at 30,000. Businesses saw unprecedented sales and traffic into their storefronts. Entertainment was diverse and exciting. Paid security did a good job to manage the safety of the event. The volunteers did an amazing job to ensure a safe, clean and well executed event. In the coming weeks and months, the BIA will be surveying the Concession businesses to ask what they liked, did not like and would like to see more/less of for Streetfest 2023 (Survey Monkey to come soon).
Sidewalk Sounds: continues this Saturday. Music starts at 10am. With room in the budget we added a 5th musical performance from 10-noon at the CIMT courtyard (574 Concession). This month: Latin Solstice Trio, Hachey the MouthPEACE, The Vaudevillian, Kojo Dampsey and Madam Sad. Series continues the 3rd Saturday of each =month until September. Business are encouraged to leverage the visitors and set up on the sidewalk in front of their shops - amplifying the curb appeal and overall draw to Concession.
BookCrawl also continuing the 3rd Saturday of every month. Local authors setting up a pre-approved locations along Concession Street.
Self guided Mural Tour is always available to visitors - available through our BIA website.
Black History Audio Tour is also always available to visitors - available through our BIA website.
New businesses:
Dollarama has encountered some construction delays but they still anticipate an opening this summer 2022.
The TownHall Social Eatery is also in full construction swing. Facade has been updated, sidewalk patio bypass has been installed - working towards a summer/fall 2022 opening.
Summer patios are out and look fantastic. Overflow BIA parking is available at 565 Concession (beside the HPL and spots are marked as Customer Parking - 2 hour limit).
No updates just yet on the former Papa Leos. Hope to have an official announcement soon.
Subway will be closing this summer at 447 Concession. Charlie's ChopSticks will be opening in the space. Opening date TBC.
BIA Members and Community
Fundraisers for CAP by BookCrawl and KalTire from Streetfest. BookCrawl collected approx. $250. KalTire collection TBC.
Continued programming at The Zoetic. Full event listing available on their website.
Alcatraz Escape Rooms is offering a promo: Play a 2nd game and get 20% off