Thursday July 20th, 2023 9:14am – 10:02am
In Attendance: Eva Martens, Sarah Matacic, Joanne Emberson, Brenda Eszenyi, Terry Rhodes
Additional: Suzanne Zandbergen (The Generator), Joel Newman, Nik Pijanovic, Darryl Howe, Enrico Corsini, Ryan Book and Alexa Chavez
Regrets: Subbu Subramonian and Jim Foreman
Absent: Esther Pauls
A. Welcome & Introductory Remarks: Chair E. Martens
B. Review & Approval of the Agenda: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Sarah Matacic
C. Review & Approval of May 2023 Minutes: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Sarah Matacic
D. Review & Approval of June 2023 Minutes: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Joanne Emberson
E. Board Business:
Board Changes Approved by GIC:
Withdrawals from the Board of Directors approved by City Counsel: Darryl Howe and Sean Keast.
Executive Team:
Vice Chair and Treasurer positions remain open and need to be filled.
August Meeting:
No board meeting will occur in August 2023, board to reconvene in September.
Rebrand Update:
Executive team has met with Socially Infused, The Brand Brew and plan to meet with the Unicorn Rebellion company. Proposals will be presented to the board at the September board meeting.
Committee being formed to address Darryl’s complaint regarding Streetfest
F. Financial Report: J. Newman
Income is in excess of the expenses by $40,000 as of the end of June. Advertising is significantly down from last year at this time – this is likely due to billing cycles of advertisers. Summary of Income Expenses reviewed. Director to send out Summary to board prior to September Board Meeting. HST Breakdown Reviewed – on expense line, HST 1.76% is absorbed by the board as it is not covered through rebates. Any questions can go to Eva/Joel.
Accountability Relationship for BIA:
All city policies and procedures to be must be followed. Audited as part of the city annually – this is currently happening. Reviewed applicable laws, financial standards and approval of annual budgets. Concession Bucks program has ended.
G. Safety Report: A. Chavez
It is noted that the ash trays in the garbage cans continue to be a fire safety concern. This and the broken benches have been addressed with the city. One broken bench replaced this week.
H. Beautification Committee: E. Martens
Exploring alternative options for winter planters. Looking at partnering with local craft studios to create something unique for the planters over the winter. Studio tour is occurring with the beautification committee and a local studio this month.
I. Marketing Report: A. Chavez
CHCH Morning Live Remote:
Filmed yesterday at 4 business. Aired this morning at 7:15am. Copy of the interviews to be obtained to share online and on website.
Social Media Management Update & Stats:
Social media management update and stats – Reviewed stats from Suzanne. Increase in engagement has been consistent with this collaboration. Working to showcase all businesses and draw business to the street. Suzanne on site during events creating live content. Increased posts prior to major events.
J. Events Report: A. Chavez
Summer Concert Series:
Summer Concert Series is coming to Concession in the Mountain Tire parking lot on August 13, 2023. Times and performers to be confirmed by city. This is being put on by the city for the different BIA’s.
Sidewalk Sounds:
occurred this past Saturday and had good crowds despite rain.
K. Executive Director Updates: A. Chavez
Out of Office:
Alexa will be out of office Friday of this week to Tuesday morning of next week. If any urgent matters can be emailed and labelled as urgent, she will answer. Anything that is very urgent can be sent to Eva.
Action Plan:
This month’s focus on the action plan is the planter boxes addressed by Eva.
L. Discussion:
Board to convene a committee to address Darryl’s complaint regarding Streetfest. Evaluating this and investigate the complaint regarding favouritism with the placement of vendors during streetfest. Code of Conduct reviewed with Darryl due to his communication towards Alexa regarding her employment with the BIA. Darryl added that he feels it’s not harassment because he was hung up on. Alexa stated she hung up on Darryl as he made threatening comments towards her. Darryl restated his concerns regarding Streetfest.
In Attendance: Eva Martens, Sarah Matacic, Joanne Emberson, Brenda Eszenyi, Terry Rhodes
Additional: Suzanne Zandbergen (The Generator), Joel Newman, Nik Pijanovic, Darryl Howe, Enrico Corsini, Ryan Book and Alexa Chavez
Regrets: Subbu Subramonian and Jim Foreman
Absent: Esther Pauls
A. Welcome & Introductory Remarks: Chair E. Martens
B. Review & Approval of the Agenda: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Sarah Matacic
C. Review & Approval of May 2023 Minutes: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Sarah Matacic
D. Review & Approval of June 2023 Minutes: Chair E. Martens
Motion: Eva Martens
Second: Joanne Emberson
E. Board Business:
Board Changes Approved by GIC:
Withdrawals from the Board of Directors approved by City Counsel: Darryl Howe and Sean Keast.
Executive Team:
Vice Chair and Treasurer positions remain open and need to be filled.
August Meeting:
No board meeting will occur in August 2023, board to reconvene in September.
Rebrand Update:
Executive team has met with Socially Infused, The Brand Brew and plan to meet with the Unicorn Rebellion company. Proposals will be presented to the board at the September board meeting.
Committee being formed to address Darryl’s complaint regarding Streetfest
F. Financial Report: J. Newman
Income is in excess of the expenses by $40,000 as of the end of June. Advertising is significantly down from last year at this time – this is likely due to billing cycles of advertisers. Summary of Income Expenses reviewed. Director to send out Summary to board prior to September Board Meeting. HST Breakdown Reviewed – on expense line, HST 1.76% is absorbed by the board as it is not covered through rebates. Any questions can go to Eva/Joel.
Accountability Relationship for BIA:
All city policies and procedures to be must be followed. Audited as part of the city annually – this is currently happening. Reviewed applicable laws, financial standards and approval of annual budgets. Concession Bucks program has ended.
G. Safety Report: A. Chavez
It is noted that the ash trays in the garbage cans continue to be a fire safety concern. This and the broken benches have been addressed with the city. One broken bench replaced this week.
H. Beautification Committee: E. Martens
Exploring alternative options for winter planters. Looking at partnering with local craft studios to create something unique for the planters over the winter. Studio tour is occurring with the beautification committee and a local studio this month.
I. Marketing Report: A. Chavez
CHCH Morning Live Remote:
Filmed yesterday at 4 business. Aired this morning at 7:15am. Copy of the interviews to be obtained to share online and on website.
Social Media Management Update & Stats:
Social media management update and stats – Reviewed stats from Suzanne. Increase in engagement has been consistent with this collaboration. Working to showcase all businesses and draw business to the street. Suzanne on site during events creating live content. Increased posts prior to major events.
J. Events Report: A. Chavez
Summer Concert Series:
Summer Concert Series is coming to Concession in the Mountain Tire parking lot on August 13, 2023. Times and performers to be confirmed by city. This is being put on by the city for the different BIA’s.
Sidewalk Sounds:
occurred this past Saturday and had good crowds despite rain.
K. Executive Director Updates: A. Chavez
Out of Office:
Alexa will be out of office Friday of this week to Tuesday morning of next week. If any urgent matters can be emailed and labelled as urgent, she will answer. Anything that is very urgent can be sent to Eva.
Action Plan:
This month’s focus on the action plan is the planter boxes addressed by Eva.
L. Discussion:
Board to convene a committee to address Darryl’s complaint regarding Streetfest. Evaluating this and investigate the complaint regarding favouritism with the placement of vendors during streetfest. Code of Conduct reviewed with Darryl due to his communication towards Alexa regarding her employment with the BIA. Darryl added that he feels it’s not harassment because he was hung up on. Alexa stated she hung up on Darryl as he made threatening comments towards her. Darryl restated his concerns regarding Streetfest.