Thursday January 20, 2022
9am to 10am
In attendance: Eshe, Brandon, Julie, Joanna
Additional: Diane, Sarah, David, Cristina
Regrets: Jamie, James, Jim
Absent: Esther Pauls
Welcome & Introductory Remarks – Chair, Eshe Despres
Review & Approval of the Agenda : MOTION Julie/Joanna
Review & Approval of November 2021 Meeting Minutes: MOTION James/Brandon
Board Business:
Board resignations
MOTION to receive Joanna/Julie
MOTION to receive Brandon/Julie
COVID-19 Updates: Ford announcement expected today at 11:30am which will lift restrictions on dine in restaurants, gyms and theatres to 50% capacity on Jan 31st, 2022. More verified information will be shared with membership from BIA office as soon as it is available.
Reminder that this is a Municipal Election Year (and Board re-election year). Municipal Election on Oct 24, 2022. Council recess Sept 28-Dec 7, 2022. BIA election at AGM in November 2022.
GIC approved $750,000 from the Mayors Task Force: Local Commercial Areas Economic Recovery Program. We are very appreciative that Economic Development is thinking of the BIA membership economic recovery. What this means specifically for our Concession BIA remains to be confirmed. We were not consulted in the creation of this initiative so I have limited information at this time. More to come!
Treasurer Report – Brandon Eyre
provided summary of expenses to date.
Asked to be excused from rest of meeting due to scheduling conflict. 9:25am left
Chair of the Beautification Committee –Cristina Geissler
Chair of the Concession Marketing Committee – Cristina Geissler
Chair of Concession Events Committee – Cristina Geissler
Based out of Auchmar
3 live concerts will be hosted at Auchmar (ticketed, paid event, 19+)
Collective Arts
Emancipation Mural: 6 4x8 panels (mural size 16’ wide x 12’ tall) will be displayed at Auchmar. New permanent location will be confirmed after Winterfest. We are trying to negotiate the Hamilton Library Concession Branch as an option.
Concession BIA has submitted our Black History Audio Tour AND our self guided Mural Tour as Winterfest events (already submitted on their Events Page)
Winterfest will also accept ANY Concession businesses offering special promotions during Winterfest through their Events Page (these will benefit from good budget for paid social media and media coverage by Winterfest)
Chair of Safety Committee – Chair: Jim Foreman
Responsibility of businesses/property owners for prompt snow removal from city sidewalks. Thank you for great effort to clean up our sidewalks. They look great overall.
Snow banks and restricted parking will be removed by the City of Hamilton. They are currently working on snow removal of residential side streets. Once completed they will come back to physically remove the build up of snow. Thank you for your patience until this is done.
Executive Director Updates – Cristina Geissler
Please let the BIA office know about any promotions or posts requests to our BIA social media accounts. Although it is not the responsibility of the BIA to manage individual business social media we are very happy to help and share requested posts. With over 120 businesses to support it is hard to stay on top of everyone. Please help with guidance and requests as much as possible.
Closed business updates:
Cyprus Sports Lounge: 445 Concession
My Neighbourhood Bar and Grill: 794 Concession
Bittner's: 405 Concession
New business updates:
Suzy Sweet Tooth now open at 788 Concession
Good Friends Sandwich Co now open at 522 Concession
Revel Realty opening soon at 581 Concession
The Parlour opening soon at 581 Concession (staffing impacted by self-isolation of COVID testing/positive staff)
BokBok Chicken opening soon at 581 Concession
Kal Tire opening Spring 2022 at 445 Concession
Drip Beauty Parlor rebranded as Ella Vive Beauty Salon at 489 Concession and expanded to also offer services from The Sweet Spot Sugarista and Sacred Blue Tattoo Artist)
*All required changes to our online business directory have been done on our BIA website:
Executive Director will send out electronic vote for all MOTIONS from todays meeting.
All changes to Board will still need to be approved by City Council. Once that happens new Board Directors will be able to vote on motions. Until then, we ask for continued input and attendance. You will be cc'd on all emails directed to the Board. We are also always looking for fresh ideas and energy from BIA members. We have marketing, events, safety and beautification committees that you can become an active member of. Please let BIA office know if you are interested in joining any of these.
BIA Members and Community
no updates
Meeting adjourned: 9:45am Joanna/Julie
9am to 10am
In attendance: Eshe, Brandon, Julie, Joanna
Additional: Diane, Sarah, David, Cristina
Regrets: Jamie, James, Jim
Absent: Esther Pauls
Welcome & Introductory Remarks – Chair, Eshe Despres
Review & Approval of the Agenda : MOTION Julie/Joanna
Review & Approval of November 2021 Meeting Minutes: MOTION James/Brandon
Board Business:
Board resignations
MOTION to receive Joanna/Julie
- James Knott - Lura Consulting
MOTION to receive Brandon/Julie
- Diane Hines - Made You Look Optical
- Dave Andrews - Mortgage Teacher
- Sarah Matacic - White Rabbit
COVID-19 Updates: Ford announcement expected today at 11:30am which will lift restrictions on dine in restaurants, gyms and theatres to 50% capacity on Jan 31st, 2022. More verified information will be shared with membership from BIA office as soon as it is available.
Reminder that this is a Municipal Election Year (and Board re-election year). Municipal Election on Oct 24, 2022. Council recess Sept 28-Dec 7, 2022. BIA election at AGM in November 2022.
GIC approved $750,000 from the Mayors Task Force: Local Commercial Areas Economic Recovery Program. We are very appreciative that Economic Development is thinking of the BIA membership economic recovery. What this means specifically for our Concession BIA remains to be confirmed. We were not consulted in the creation of this initiative so I have limited information at this time. More to come!
Treasurer Report – Brandon Eyre
provided summary of expenses to date.
Asked to be excused from rest of meeting due to scheduling conflict. 9:25am left
Chair of the Beautification Committee –Cristina Geissler
- Christmas light removal - something new and fresh will be installed holiday season 2022
- New BIA banners - artist callout and next steps. Narrowed applicants down to 3 local Hamilton artists. Concession specific renderings will be submitted by Jan 31st. These will be shared with Board for input for final selection. Looking to install new banners Spring 2022.
Chair of the Concession Marketing Committee – Cristina Geissler
- CHCH commercial/advertising strategy for 2022
- Hamilton Community News digital marketing campaign 2022
- Mountain News: new business spotlights to continue
- Concession BIA billboard - potential expansion to a second one in Hamilton
- Continued social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok
Chair of Concession Events Committee – Cristina Geissler
- All dates and current information has been updated on our BIA website:
- Book Crawl on Concession: third Saturday of each month 10am-1pm (Jan virtual, Feb possibly virtual)
- N2N Coldest Night of the Year – virtual for Saturday Feb 26, 2022 - BIA distance sponsor again this year
- Concession BIA is a community sponsor again this year in support of N2N
- Hamilton Winterfest:
Based out of Auchmar
3 live concerts will be hosted at Auchmar (ticketed, paid event, 19+)
Collective Arts
Emancipation Mural: 6 4x8 panels (mural size 16’ wide x 12’ tall) will be displayed at Auchmar. New permanent location will be confirmed after Winterfest. We are trying to negotiate the Hamilton Library Concession Branch as an option.
Concession BIA has submitted our Black History Audio Tour AND our self guided Mural Tour as Winterfest events (already submitted on their Events Page)
Winterfest will also accept ANY Concession businesses offering special promotions during Winterfest through their Events Page (these will benefit from good budget for paid social media and media coverage by Winterfest)
- Virtual Alternative History Tour on Concession active and available on our website
- Bunny Hop & Shop: Sat April 16, 2022
- Streetfest: Sat June 11, 2022
- Sidewalk Sounds: Sat May 21, Sat June 18, Sat July 16, Sat Aug 20, Sat Sept 17, 2022 (10am-5pm)
- Fall for Concession: Sat Oct 1 & Sat Oct 8, 2022
- Winter Solstice: TBC
Chair of Safety Committee – Chair: Jim Foreman
Responsibility of businesses/property owners for prompt snow removal from city sidewalks. Thank you for great effort to clean up our sidewalks. They look great overall.
Snow banks and restricted parking will be removed by the City of Hamilton. They are currently working on snow removal of residential side streets. Once completed they will come back to physically remove the build up of snow. Thank you for your patience until this is done.
Executive Director Updates – Cristina Geissler
Please let the BIA office know about any promotions or posts requests to our BIA social media accounts. Although it is not the responsibility of the BIA to manage individual business social media we are very happy to help and share requested posts. With over 120 businesses to support it is hard to stay on top of everyone. Please help with guidance and requests as much as possible.
Closed business updates:
Cyprus Sports Lounge: 445 Concession
My Neighbourhood Bar and Grill: 794 Concession
Bittner's: 405 Concession
New business updates:
Suzy Sweet Tooth now open at 788 Concession
Good Friends Sandwich Co now open at 522 Concession
Revel Realty opening soon at 581 Concession
The Parlour opening soon at 581 Concession (staffing impacted by self-isolation of COVID testing/positive staff)
BokBok Chicken opening soon at 581 Concession
Kal Tire opening Spring 2022 at 445 Concession
Drip Beauty Parlor rebranded as Ella Vive Beauty Salon at 489 Concession and expanded to also offer services from The Sweet Spot Sugarista and Sacred Blue Tattoo Artist)
*All required changes to our online business directory have been done on our BIA website:
Executive Director will send out electronic vote for all MOTIONS from todays meeting.
All changes to Board will still need to be approved by City Council. Once that happens new Board Directors will be able to vote on motions. Until then, we ask for continued input and attendance. You will be cc'd on all emails directed to the Board. We are also always looking for fresh ideas and energy from BIA members. We have marketing, events, safety and beautification committees that you can become an active member of. Please let BIA office know if you are interested in joining any of these.
BIA Members and Community
no updates
Meeting adjourned: 9:45am Joanna/Julie