Thursday September 19, 2024
8:52am – 9:47am
In attendance: Eva M, Jim F, Tosin I, Doris S
Additional: Brenda E, Terry R, Jinay Shah, Stephanie M, Kim TG (for Coun. Esther Pauls)
Guests: Faye G, Venu K, JT Pets
NOTE: ** minutes derived from Google Meet transcript**
A. Welcome & Introductory Remarks: Chair E. Martens
B. Board Business:
Jim F: Motion to activate Consent Agenda
Stephanie M: 2nd the motion
* *Triggering Consent Agenda **
- **Review & Approval of September agenda
- **Review & Approval of August minutes (attached)
- **Seeking Board Members: Vice Chair, Secretary
- Introduce and formally welcome to the BOD: Jinay Shah (Delight Corner)
EVA M: requested Jinay Shah be present on video per BOD policy
EVA M: Motion to accept BOD membership
JIM F: 2nd the motion
All approved - passed
C. Safety Report: Jim Foreman (CAP)
Looking to do the Fall/Winter Safety Audit on Monday, November 4th – 6pm
Seeking Audit members to come along to obtain a more comprehensive report. Primary concerns are: Lighting, broken windows, trip hazards in the dark
KIM TG (Esther Pauls’ office) Councillor Esther Pauls’ office - open invitation for a town hall in direct reference to Community Safety - Guests include: Hamilton Police - Community Crime & Safety Division. WHEN: October 17th at 6:30 – 8:30pm - Location: Sackville Community Centre
D. Beautification Committee: Eva Martens/Stephanie Muir
Eva Martens: The Citys’ Horticulture Department is now seeking to renew the contract for next years’ planting. The Cedar Trees are looking lush at this point, looking at complementing this with different native pollinators for next year. We welcome members input prior to renewing the agreement
Stephanie M: A little bit more color for next year
E. Marketing Report: Doris S
Seeking approval to renew Social Media Manager – the Generator through to December (year end)
EVA M: motion to approve
JIM F: 2nd the motion
All approved: passed
F. Events Committee: Doris S
Past Events: Streetfest, Cornfest, Sidewalk Sales – reports attached
All came through with a positive public response; all events so far came through with a surplus in budgets. However, these will be rolled over to Fall & Christmas events.
Upcoming: Final of the Series of 5 – Sidewalk Sounds, September 20 (6pm-9pm)
Upcoming: Beautiful Alleys clean up – September 28 (9am – 1pm) 555 Concession St (meet up location)
G. Executive Director Update: Doris S
Preparing for the AGM – seeking approval for the October 17th (9am – 10am) at CAP
*awaiting approval from CAP
F. Financial Report:
Tosin I: finalizing the KMPG 2023 audit for submission
- All funding from the City has been received (Levy & Events Grants)
- Incoming New Grant: $11,412 for Office Upgrade and Christmas Decoration
- Incoming New Grant: $1500 from the Chamber of Commer for Hamilton Day
Eva M: Motion to accept financial report
Jim F: 2nd the motion
Meeting adjourned: 9:44 a.m.
8:52am – 9:47am
In attendance: Eva M, Jim F, Tosin I, Doris S
Additional: Brenda E, Terry R, Jinay Shah, Stephanie M, Kim TG (for Coun. Esther Pauls)
Guests: Faye G, Venu K, JT Pets
NOTE: ** minutes derived from Google Meet transcript**
A. Welcome & Introductory Remarks: Chair E. Martens
B. Board Business:
Jim F: Motion to activate Consent Agenda
Stephanie M: 2nd the motion
* *Triggering Consent Agenda **
- **Review & Approval of September agenda
- **Review & Approval of August minutes (attached)
- **Seeking Board Members: Vice Chair, Secretary
- Introduce and formally welcome to the BOD: Jinay Shah (Delight Corner)
EVA M: requested Jinay Shah be present on video per BOD policy
EVA M: Motion to accept BOD membership
JIM F: 2nd the motion
All approved - passed
C. Safety Report: Jim Foreman (CAP)
Looking to do the Fall/Winter Safety Audit on Monday, November 4th – 6pm
Seeking Audit members to come along to obtain a more comprehensive report. Primary concerns are: Lighting, broken windows, trip hazards in the dark
KIM TG (Esther Pauls’ office) Councillor Esther Pauls’ office - open invitation for a town hall in direct reference to Community Safety - Guests include: Hamilton Police - Community Crime & Safety Division. WHEN: October 17th at 6:30 – 8:30pm - Location: Sackville Community Centre
D. Beautification Committee: Eva Martens/Stephanie Muir
Eva Martens: The Citys’ Horticulture Department is now seeking to renew the contract for next years’ planting. The Cedar Trees are looking lush at this point, looking at complementing this with different native pollinators for next year. We welcome members input prior to renewing the agreement
Stephanie M: A little bit more color for next year
E. Marketing Report: Doris S
Seeking approval to renew Social Media Manager – the Generator through to December (year end)
EVA M: motion to approve
JIM F: 2nd the motion
All approved: passed
F. Events Committee: Doris S
Past Events: Streetfest, Cornfest, Sidewalk Sales – reports attached
All came through with a positive public response; all events so far came through with a surplus in budgets. However, these will be rolled over to Fall & Christmas events.
Upcoming: Final of the Series of 5 – Sidewalk Sounds, September 20 (6pm-9pm)
Upcoming: Beautiful Alleys clean up – September 28 (9am – 1pm) 555 Concession St (meet up location)
G. Executive Director Update: Doris S
Preparing for the AGM – seeking approval for the October 17th (9am – 10am) at CAP
*awaiting approval from CAP
F. Financial Report:
Tosin I: finalizing the KMPG 2023 audit for submission
- All funding from the City has been received (Levy & Events Grants)
- Incoming New Grant: $11,412 for Office Upgrade and Christmas Decoration
- Incoming New Grant: $1500 from the Chamber of Commer for Hamilton Day
Eva M: Motion to accept financial report
Jim F: 2nd the motion
Meeting adjourned: 9:44 a.m.