Thursday November 21, 2024
9:03am – 9:42am
In attendance: Eva M, Jim F, Tosin I, Doris S
Additional: Jinay S, Alanna P, Brenda E, Terry R, Stephanie M, Kim TG (for Coun. Esther Pauls), Councillor Esther P
NOTE: ** minutes derived from Google Meet transcript**
A. Welcome & Introductory Remarks: Chair E. Martens
B. Board Business:
- Motion to activate Consent Agenda
* *Triggering Consent Agenda **
- Review & Approval of November agenda **
- Review & Approval of October AGM minutes (attached) **
- Seeking Board Members: Vice Chair, Secretary **
Motion to activate: Jim F; 2nd Alanna P
C. Safety Report: Jim Foreman
October 17th – attended the Town Hall at Sackville; got to meet the crime manager David Allchin; protocols for crime reporting were summarized; crime reporting can also be done online: non emergency reporting: 905-546-4925
November 18th – Concession Street Safety Audit was conducted with John Alexander of JT Pets – full report to follow: Summary observations: leave lights on at the front of your store
D. Beautification Committee: Eva Martens/Stephanie Muir/Janna Goodyear
EVA: Doris can give us an update
DORIS: Christmas lights are slated to be installed around the Coach Lantern arms by November 30th; Planter Box wraps are slated to be installed the by November 30th. Christmas lights ordered are usable year- round as they have various lighting modes.
Once everything is installed and completed, we are inviting Councillor Esther Pauls’ office for a lighting ceremony.
E. Marketing Report: Doris Sanchez/Eva Martens
- Social Media Statistics (attached)
Doris: looking to maintain the same momentum with the increase in Facebook & Instagram engagement. The Generator has done a good job.
F. Events Committee: Doris Sanchez
- Breakfast with Santa (report attached)
Saturday, December 7th – this event sold out within 2 hours of posting. This event is wholly sponsored by the BIA. Townhall Social will be hosting the event – 140 attendees. Coordinating with the Zoetic for a Santa movie as well as the Santa Cruise Toy Drive
G. Executive Director Updates: Doris Sanchez
- Grants application for 2025
DORIS: applied for Streetfest, Sidewalk Sounds and Cornfest for the maximum amounts
H. Financial Report: Tosin Ikotun
- Banking updates/year-end surplus/loss – Report attached as an addendum
Over-all 2024 – the BIA spending has been prudent. The BIA financial performance to date remains at a healthy position for commitments towards 2025
Motion to accept Financial Report: Motion: Eva; 2nd Stephanie
I. December Board Meeting to be deferred, reconvene in January 2025
- Motion needed
No objections: passed
J. New Business: Addendum 1 - Eva
- To give Doris S a year-end bonus for her excellent work, she really turned around the community appreciation and understanding of what the BIA does; amplified with additional events and brought positive energy on our street
- Motion to accept New Business Addendum 1
- Motion: Eva, 2nd Alanna P; No objections – passed
K. New Business: Addendum 2 - Eva
- Sneak peek for the January promotions:
Doris: A wellness promotion in partnership with CAP
CAP clients gets treated to a Wellness/Spa day for $20 (goes towards CAP)
BIA buys back the redeemed coupon; this also promotes the Wellness and Beauty Merchants on Concession Street, details to be ironed out
Motion to accept Addendum 2: Motion to accept: Eva, 2nd Jim F